A Day in the Life of a Personal Trainer at Core Progression

Morning Hustle

The day starts early at Core Progression. As a personal trainer, I arrive at our state-of-the-art facility in the vibrant RiNo district of Denver by 6 AM. After a quick check-in with the staff, I prepare the studio for my first client of the day.

One-on-One Sessions

  • 7 AM: My first client, a busy executive, walks in ready to crush their workout. We begin with a dynamic warm-up, focusing on mobility and activation exercises.
  • 8 AM: Next up is a client recovering from an injury. We work on targeted exercises to strengthen the affected area while maintaining proper form and technique.
  • 9 AM: A new client joins me for their initial assessment. We discuss their goals, medical history, and create a personalized plan tailored to their needs.

Fuel and Recharge

With a short break in my schedule, I take the opportunity to refuel and recharge. I grab a protein-packed snack from the smoothie bar and review my notes for upcoming sessions.

Afternoon Sessions

  • 11 AM: A group training session focused on high-intensity interval training (HIIT) gets everyone’s heart rate soaring.
  • 12:30 PM: A one-on-one session with a client working on improving their strength and endurance for an upcoming hiking trip.
  • 2 PM: A couple’s session where we work on partner exercises and functional movements to improve overall fitness and coordination.

Wrapping Up

As the day winds down, I spend some time updating client progress reports, planning future workouts, and checking in with the Core Progression team. Before heading home, I take a few moments to tidy up the studio, ensuring it’s ready for the next day’s sessions.

Being a personal trainer at Core Progression is more than just a job – it’s a passion for helping others achieve their fitness goals and live healthier lives.